Organic Neroli essential oilBotanical Name: Citrus aurantium var. amara L. (synonym of Citrus x aurantium L.) Origin: Egypt Process: Steam Distilled Essential Oil Plant Part: Flower Cultivation: Certified Organic Aroma: Very powerful, yet light and uplifting floral with an unusual fresh, sweet, terpene-like, somewhat bitter green top note. Blends Well With: Balsam...
- $4,526.00
$2,995.00- $4,526.00
- Unit price
- per
天然香水自學教材:Natural Botanical Perfumery by Jeanne Rose美國芳療始祖所創香水自學課程 全英文,近三百頁內文 包括香水歷史,製程,調香及供應原料 自學天然香水最完整的教材
- $34,944.00
$43,230.00- $34,944.00
- Unit price
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芳療證照自學教材: Aromatherapy Studies Course by Jeanne Rose美國芳療始祖自學課程 全英文,353頁內文 包括芳療歷史,超過三百種精油介紹及化學結構 自學芳療最完整的教材
- $33,247.00
$39,936.00- $33,247.00
- Unit price
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香藥草實用寶典:自學藥草香藥草實證寶典:跟著美國AHG首位華人認證藥草師Erica Kuo,開啟植物自然療癒能量,抗過敏、緩解疼痛、癌症修復、皮膚保養、寵物健康 首位雙認證英美專業芳療師及藥草師的華人郭姿均 深耕香藥草研究十多年,致力推動其運用、保健及教育 詳細解說超過200種香藥草特色與功能 從身體到居家、由內而外,力行不生病的排毒生活 為你排除身體不適,幫健康打勝仗! 【精彩內容】 守住明日記憶的香草! 經常飲用香草茶或入菜都對記憶有助益,英國紐堡大學研究發現,香蜂草、迷迭香及鼠尾草是提升記憶力的好幫手。 解憂鬱、放鬆神經的藥草救星! 古希臘時期人們就用聖約翰草來解決緊張、焦慮等神經系統的症狀,美國醫學期刊證實,聖約翰草能有效治療憂鬱症,更沒有抗鬱藥物造成性慾低下的副作用。 帶狀疱疹令人痛不欲生,試試花草減痛法! 除了傳統醫學外,自然療法中的草藥、純露及芳療,對感染疱疹時提升免疫力、疱疹後的神經疼痛及失眠有助益。 抗病毒及病菌的超級精油奧勒岡! 整合基礎醫學期刊發表,冠狀病毒接觸到奧勒岡精油約20分鐘會失去複製的能力,病毒從每毫升5百萬個病毒顆粒,降到每毫升167個病毒顆粒,自製感冒流感應戰茶與強化呼吸道免疫力的花草精。本書特色 ▲專業認證 美國藥草師協會(AHG)首位華人董事及註冊藥草師、美國芳療協會(NAHA)臨床專業芳療師、蒙大拿州立大學認證園藝專家郭姿均,熟悉各種香藥草的使用與效能,並根據期刊研究、實證經驗,整理分享香藥草緩解疾病的效用與功能。 ▲系統歸納 利用香藥草天然、副作用少與無抗藥性的特點,開啟無毒療癒生活。書中系統性分類不同器官、身體系統、各種族群,針對生活大症小病,以至居家無毒清潔的各項香藥草使用方法與配方。 ▲實證研究 選購香藥草與精油產品要點,提供簡單自製香藥草產品配方。醫師娘郭姿均十多年來親身試驗,除了開刀及拔牙,任何健康的不適都可以從藥草及芳療得到緩解,是你除了吞膠囊、擦成藥,還能依靠的香草保健法。 ▲快速索引 集結香藥草中英文與拉丁文對照,能按圖索驥學習香草用法、療癒效果與注意事項,避免中英文翻譯之誤解,找到正確的香草,不致誤用。 ▲趨勢應用 香藥草輔助失智、憂鬱、失眠、癌症等常見病症的實證療法,如守住明日的記憶的香草與安眠不成癮的花草;提供流感應戰茶、抗新冠病毒精油等實用抗疫配方;從初經到停經都可喝的女人茶,減緩經痛又能美白;輕鬆降食慾的排毒減重嗅聞棒;提供趣味的12星座香藥草應用原則,還有為寵物健康把關的香藥草知識。誠摯推薦 王威勝(前馬偕醫院感染科主任、前馬偕醫學院臨床副教授) 吳淡如(主持人、作家) 夏韻芬(主持人、作家) 陳裕星(臺中區農業改良場作物改良課課長) 趙 婷(主持人) 顏佐樺(聯安預防醫學機構聯青診所副院長) (依姓氏筆劃排序)
- $499.00
$599.00- $499.00
- Unit price
- per
Copaifera reticulata, officinalis, coriacea, and langsdorffiiBotanical Name: Copaifera reticulata, officinalis, coriacea,and langsdorffii Origin: Brazil Process: Natural Exudate Plant Part: Natural Oleoresin (also known as a Balsam) Cultivation: Wild Harvested Aroma: Balsamic, Woody Blends Well With: It is a Natural Perfumery and works with many essential oils well. Copaiba Balsam...
- From $1,198.00
$2,995.00- From $1,198.00
- Unit price
- per
Aromatherapy Inhaler stick 10/package Rosemary Garden10 blank inhaler stick Pour 20-25 drops essential in the cotton wick. Kids may use 6-8 drops Change the cotton wick every 3 months aroma tool
- $283.00
$333.00- $283.00
- Unit price
- per
Essential oil stater kit~30 essential oils +2 organic hydrosols+inhaler+aroma patchEssential oil stater kit~30 Organic or Natural essential oil +2 organic hydrosols 1. Port Orford Cedarwood 10ml 2. Bary Laurel lef 10ml 3. Oregano 10ml 4. Chamomile Roman 10ml 5. Rosemary Cineole 10ml 6.Juniper berry 10ml 7.Majoram 10ml 8.Rose otto 5ml 9.Ginger root CO2...
- $42,500.00
- $42,500.00
- Unit price
- per
6 Organic Wellness Germ Buster essential oil set: 10mlx6 Rosemary Garden+bookWellness essential oil( 6 bottles) combination: including lemon, linaool thyme,winter savory,oregano,pine scot,peppermint eucalyptus .10mlx6 When linaool thyme is not available, the alternative will be rosemary essential oil, the peppermint eucalyptus will be alternative as spearmint. The six-essential oil combination can booster the immune system...
- $3,499.00
- $3,499.00
- Unit price
- per
Christmas tree blending essential oil 10mlChristmas tree combination, this seasonal blending essential oil includes the X'mas tree you love, such as Sliver Fir, Black Spruce, Cypress, Douglas Fir. Scot Pine. 10ml
- $1,199.00
- $1,199.00
- Unit price
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Christmas tree essential oil set~seasonal productChristmas tree combination, this seasonal blending essential oil includes the X'mas tree you love, such as Sliver Fir, Black Spruce, Cypress, Douglas Fir. Scot Pine. essentail oil 10ml The set comes with durable and travel size USB diffuser and 5 USA made inhalation patch. ...
- $2,200.00
- $2,200.00
- Unit price
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Buddhawood essential oi, calming and anxiety relief , sandalwood substituteLatin Name: Eremophila mitchellii Part: Wood Origin: Australia Extraction Method: Steam distillation Kids and Pregnant Safe 10ml Aroma note Woody oak base note Natural fixative properties Popular across the Middle-East Smooth, sweet, oak notes Tenacious, unique, characteristic Aromatherapy Cut & sores healing properties Skin care...
- $1,390.00
- $1,390.00
- Unit price
- per
Aromatherapy Inhaler stick 4ps /set4 inhalers with cotton wicks. Pour 20-25 drops essential in the cotton wick. Kids may use 6-8 drops Change the cotton wick every 3 months the color may vary. The blank inhaler stick is here
- $399.00
- $399.00
- Unit price
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Organic Rosemary Verenebone essential oilBotanical Name: Rosmarinus officinalis (L.) ct Verbenone Origin: Spain or Tunisia (see COA for lot specific origin) Process: Steamed Distilled Essential Oil Plant Part: Leaves Cultivation: Wild Grown, Certified Organic Aroma: Intense, diffusive, clean, penetrating, sweet-herbaceous aroma with a somewhat warm camphoraceous undertone; changes...
- From $799.00
- From $799.00
- Unit price
- per
insomnia blending oil, promote good sleep +10 inhalation patchIngredients:Sweet Orange*, Frankincense*,Patchouli*, Vetiver*, Ho Wood. *Organic 10ml Direction: 1.Pour 1-2 drops on Inhalation patch The patch glue can last for 5-7 days. Use one drop on the patch, one drop can last couple of hours. You may add another drop in the evening. 2.Add...
- $1,499.00
- $1,499.00
- Unit price
- per
Osmanthus absoluteLatin Name: Osmanthus fragrans Lour. Origin: China Process: Solvent Extracted Absolute Part: Flowers Cultivation: Conventional Use: Natural Perfumery,depression support, anxiety relief Always dilute. Note: Middle to Base Note Aroma: Intensely rich, sweet, fruity-floral aroma with honeyed apricot, dried raisin and plum nuances, light spicy and...
- $2,599.00
- $2,599.00
- Unit price
- per
Solubilizer 100% naturally-derived, EO-free,1,4-Dioxane free, PEG-free100% naturally-derived, EO-free,1,4-Dioxane free, PEG-free solubilizer Poly Suga®Mulse D9 is a PEG-free, nonionic fragrance solubilizer made from 100% biobased raw materials. It is hydrophilic, freely soluble or dispersible in water, and soluble in varying degrees in organic liquids. Poly Suga®Mulse D9 is used for oil-in-water...
- $530.00
- $530.00
- Unit price
- per
Rose attar+ Rose Hydrosol set10ml Rose attar+ 4oz Rose Hydrosol 5mlRose otto+4 oz Rose hydrosol
- From $3,299.00
- From $3,299.00
- Unit price
- per
Organic Black Spruce essential oilBotanical Name: Picea mariana Origin: Canada Process: Steam Distilled Essential Oil Plant Part: Seeds Cultivation: Conventional Aroma: Fresh, Crisp, Woody and Earthy Blends Well With: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary 1,8-Cineole Caution: Do not use undiluted on the skin. Keep out of...
- $1,250.00
- $1,250.00
- Unit price
- per
Wildcraft Carrot Seed essential oilBotanical Name: Daucus carota L. Origin: Hungary/France Process: Steam Distilled Essential Oil Plant Part: Seeds Cultivation: Wildcraft Aroma: Dry, sweet-woody, root-like, and earthy, with a tenacious wet earth, fatty/oily, slightly spicy dry down. Blends Well With: Bergamot and other Citrus oils, Cassie, Cedarwood, Cinnamon...
- From $899.00
- From $899.00
- Unit price
- per
Organic Chamomile German essential oilBotanical Name: Matricaria recutita L. (synonym of Matricaria chamomilla L.) Origin: Egypt Process: Steam Distilled Essential Oil Plant Part: Flowers Cultivation: Certified Organic (USDA, NOP) Aroma: Strong, sweet-warm, rich and herbaceous with a slight fresh fruit undertone; has a mellow woody-herbaceous and tobacco-like drydown....
- $1,599.00
- $1,599.00
- Unit price
- per