Aromatherapy patch 20 blank patch inhalation patch essential oilThis essential oil patch is designed and manufactured exclusively by an USA company. How to use: Blend the essential oils and apply one to two drops of essential oil to the hole of the patch (depending on the size of holes). Each patch can...
- $56.99
$60.09- $56.99
- Unit price
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Hurraw Lip Balm Moon flavor Rosemary GardenCheck out what it's packin'... Avocado fruit oil: Thick, green, and vitamin rich. Exceptionally high in vitamins A & E. Rosehip seed oil: Combats dry lips and has amazing rejuvenation properties.Meadowfoam seed oil: Powerful moisturizing capability. Loves to adhere to lips making it a great assistant in preventing...
- $5.99
$5.99- $5.99
- Unit price
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USB Essential Oil Diffuser, Travel Aroma Diffuser USB wholesalePour 3-5 drops of essential oil on the heating pad. The color may fade when applying the essential oil. This product can be your portable aroma diffuse. It doesn't require any adapter. Its reliable quality is recommended by world-known aromatherapy professional expert Rhiannon Lewis....
- $30.99
$14.59- $30.99
- Unit price
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天然無毒清理術改版無毒家事親手作書+五瓶有機清潔打掃精油,檸檬,薄荷,迷迭香,薰衣草及奧勒岡精油+嗅聞貼片10入天然無毒清理術改版,加入新冠肺炎與精油的研究 此組合含有檸檬,薄荷,迷迭香,薰衣草及奧勒岡精油,品項缺乏時,得以相似功能精油替代 10入嗅聞貼片 表面乾淨沒有用,要清潔且不留有害化學物,有更好的方法! 丟掉看不懂成分的瓶瓶罐罐、不再忍受漂白水刺鼻味, 常備香草x精油x小蘇打,醫生家庭的100個安心配方簡單做, 從客廳、臥室到汽車的每個空間都真正乾淨、無毒、抗菌! 油膩的炒菜鍋、卡著霉斑的衛浴拉門、新衣服上的一滴醬油…… 惱人的髒東西總是讓你刷得滿身大汗,效果卻不彰! 琳琅滿目的清潔用品,沖再多水還是擔心有殘留? 作者郭姿均不只是醫師娘,她還擁有英美兩國專業芳療師執照,也是亞洲第一位美國藥草師協會AHG註冊臨床藥草師。 她投入精油芳療清潔領域,是因為自己切身的痛苦經驗。她並非過敏體質,但是使用一般清潔用品卻總打噴嚏,研究才了解,我們日常以為方便的清潔用品,其實有非常多化學物質殘留在打掃清理過程中,反而讓生活環境佈滿了對身體不好的物質。 郭姿均從自己的困擾出發,結合精油芳療專業,開發出一套天然無毒清潔術。 這本書教你: 獨家的「精油品質金字塔」,教你認識精油、區分等級,不上當! 善用廚房常備品,簡單製作無毒家事清潔劑 小蘇打粉|清潔必備,具除臭和研磨效果,幫助打掃不費力 肉桂粉|抗菌防腐,特殊溫暖氣息讓做家事也可以香氣四溢 白醋|多功能天然清潔劑,去味、除油一把罩,搭配精油可緩解嗆鼻感 100個自然清潔配方,香氛解決從廚房、客廳、到外出的各種清潔問題 油膩沾鍋好難刷|小蘇打粉+柑橘精油+水,煮沸1分鐘,刷洗油垢好省力 衛浴發霉老問題|茶樹精油+奧勒岡精油+葡萄柚籽抗菌劑+水,搖晃均勻隨手噴,日常保養不長霉 原子筆墨水沾衣|雪松精油+白醋,倒數5分鐘,輕輕一刷就去漬 特調乾洗手|奧勒岡+百里香+綠薄荷+赤松+檸檬+75%酒精+蘆薈膠,雙手消毒又保濕安心推薦 作家 吳淡如 健康2.0總編輯 盛竹玲 家事訓練講師 陳安祺 生活魔法家 陳映如 知名主播、健康2.0主持人 鄭凱云 聯合報資深醫藥記者 魏忻忻 (依姓氏筆畫排序)
- $115.99
$125.99- $115.99
- Unit price
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Copaifera reticulata, officinalis, coriacea, and langsdorffiiBotanical Name: Copaifera reticulata, officinalis, coriacea,and langsdorffii Origin: Brazil Process: Natural Exudate Plant Part: Natural Oleoresin (also known as a Balsam) Cultivation: Wild Harvested Aroma: Balsamic, Woody Blends Well With: It is a Natural Perfumery and works with many essential oils well. Copaiba Balsam...
- From $35.99
$89.99- From $35.99
- Unit price
- per
Orgaic Evening Primrose cold pressed oilLatin Name:Oenothera biennis Part:seed, C/S Origin:France Organic, cold pressed Promote skin cell growth and youth. Itch-relief
- From $22.00
$22.00- From $22.00
- Unit price
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Organic Lavandin Grosso essential oil 30ml +USB essential oil diffuserThis gift set comes with 30ml organic Lavandin Grosso and Taiwan made USB aroma diffuser. You can easily pack USB when you are planning to travel around the world. It also are suitable for office or nursing home. Botanical Name: Lavandula x intermedi(synonym of...
- $65.99
$75.99- $65.99
- Unit price
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Hydrosol set, 3 x 4oz bottles,various herbs and flowers3 organic Hydrosol that you can try the synergy of hydrosol. Each bottle is 4 oz.
- $99.00
$42.99- $99.00
- Unit price
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Organic Pamper Allergy Relief Herb BathIngredients:Nettle,Comfrey,Calendula petal, Red Clover,Lemon Balm, Ingredients may be changed by the season or supply. To relieves the one or some symptoms of hay fever, skin eruption,itch and rediness 1/2 Pound/bag uese one cup with 1000ml water to boil, then strain the tea add in bath...
- $83.99
$85.99- $83.99
- Unit price
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Organic Vitex Chasteberry Rosemary GardenLatin Name:Vitex agnus-castus Part:Fruit Organic dry Chaseberry fruit Origin:USA 100g , best use in tinture form Action: Uterine tonic It has reputation as both aphrodisiac and anaphrodisiac. It balances female sex hormones that is used for menstrual cramping. prementrual...
- From $32.00
- From $32.00
- Unit price
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Dry Mango, Preservative Free, No sugar addedTaiwan produce delicious and sweet mango. 150g. Only shipping to USA, Canada.
- $9.99
$12.99- $9.99
- Unit price
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Essential oil stater kit~30 essential oils +2 organic hydrosols+inhaler+aroma patchEssential oil stater kit~30 Organic or Natural essential oil +2 organic hydrosols 1. Port Orford Cedarwood 10ml 2. Bary Laurel lef 10ml 3. Oregano 10ml 4. Chamomile Roman 10ml 5. Rosemary Cineole 10ml 6.Juniper berry 10ml 7.Majoram 10ml 8.Rose otto 5ml 9.Ginger root CO2...
- $1,350.00
$1,450.00- $1,350.00
- Unit price
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Organic Rose Buds & Petals (Rosa canina) ,USDA organic certified, Rosemary GardenUSDA Organic Rose Petal 30g,limited offer ,
- $14.99
$17.99- $14.99
- Unit price
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